Working Papers

  • Hagen, A., Holz, F., Montes de Oca Leon, M. (2024). The Political Economy of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Removal: Evidence from Bolivia and Mexico, IMF Working Papers 2024, 230 (2024),

  • Bohnet, M., Hagen, A. and Sen, S. (2024). The value of corporate lobbying for turbulent times: Evidence from the EU-ETS (Draft available)

  • Fliegel, P., (2024). How You Measure Transition Risk Matters: Comparing and Evaluating Climate Transition Risk Metrics. SSRN:

  • Fliegel, P., (2023). ‘Brown’ Risk or ‘Green’ Opportunity? The Dynamic Pricing of Climate Transition Risk on Global Financial Markets. SSRN:

  • Hagen, A. and Kollenbach, G., 2024. The Political Economy of Stranded Assets: Climate Policies, Investments and the Role of Elections, Berlin School of Economics Discussion Papers 0033, Berlin School of Economics.


  • Fliegel, P. (2025). How (Not) to Measure Companies' Climate Transition Risk: A Framework and Categorized Literature Review. Corp Soc Responsib Environ Manag.

  • Von Dulong, A. Hagen, A. (2025). Institutions make a difference: assessing the predictors of climate policy stringency using machine learning. Environmental Research Letters, Volume 20, Number 1.

  • Lessmann, K., Schütze, F., Von Dulong, A., Engler, D., Gutsche, G., Hagen, A., Klein, C., McConnell, A., Schenker, O., Von Schickfus, M. T. & Yanovski, B. (2024). Can the Financial Sector Protect the Climate? The Potential of Sustainable Finance. In: Wendt, K., Villhauer, B. (eds) Sustainable Wealth Management . Sustainable Finance. Springer, Cham.

  • Hagen, A., & Schopf, M. (2024). Political influence on international climate agreements with border carbon adjustment. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 102979.

  • Von Dulong, A., Gard-Murray, A., Hagen, A., Jaakkola, N. and Sen, S. (2023). Stranded Assets: Research Gaps and Implications for Climate Policy.
    Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 2023 17:1, 161-169.


Presentation 2024

  • VfS Annual Conference, TU Berlin. Achim Hagen, „The Political Economy of Stranded Assets: Climate Policies, Investments and the Role of Elections”

  • 9th Public Investors Conference, Singapore. Philip Fliegel, “How You Measure Transition Risk Matters: Comparing and Evaluating Climate Transition Risk Metrics”

  • Economics Seminar at Wageningen University. Achim Hagen, “The Political Economy of Stranded Assets: Climate Policies, Investments and the Role of Elections"

  • 7th Annual Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment (GRASFI) Conference at Singapore Management University. Philip Fliegel, “How You Measure Transition Risk Matters: Comparing and Evaluating Climate Transition Risk Metrics”

  • 29th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Leuven. Philip Fliegel, “How You Measure Transition Risk Matters: Comparing and Evaluating Climate Transition Risk Metrics”

Selected Conferences 2023:

  • 28th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Cyprus. Achim Hagen: “The Political Economy of Stranded Assets”

  • 9th International Symposium on Environment and Energy Finance Issues (ISEFI), Paris. Philip Fliegel: “The Dynamic Pricing of Climate Transition Risk on Global Financial Markets”

  • 11th Workshop Banks and Financial Markets, Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH). Marc Bohnet: “The value of corporate lobbying for turbulent times : Evidence from the EU-ETS”

  • Economics of Sustainability Workshop, University of Oxford. Achim Hagen: “The political economy of fossil-fuel subsidy removal: Theory and empirical evidence from presidential democracies”

  • Financial Regulation - Going Green Workshop, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Achim Hagen: “Endogenous climate policy, systemic risk and asset stranding”

  • European Public Choice Society (EPCS) in Hannover. Achim Hagen: “The Political Economy of Stranded Assets”