Working Papers
Hagen, A., Holz, F., Montes de Oca Leon, M. (2024). The Political Economy of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Removal: Evidence from Bolivia and Mexico, IMF Working Papers 2024, 230 (2024),
Bohnet, M., Hagen, A. and Sen, S. (2024). The value of corporate lobbying for turbulent times: Evidence from the EU-ETS (Draft available)
Fliegel, P., (2024). How You Measure Transition Risk Matters: Comparing and Evaluating Climate Transition Risk Metrics. SSRN:
Fliegel, P., (2023). ‘Brown’ Risk or ‘Green’ Opportunity? The Dynamic Pricing of Climate Transition Risk on Global Financial Markets. SSRN:
Hagen, A. and Kollenbach, G., 2024. The Political Economy of Stranded Assets: Climate Policies, Investments and the Role of Elections, Berlin School of Economics Discussion Papers 0033, Berlin School of Economics.
Fliegel, P. (2025). How (Not) to Measure Companies' Climate Transition Risk: A Framework and Categorized Literature Review. Corp Soc Responsib Environ Manag.
Von Dulong, A. Hagen, A. (2025). Institutions make a difference: assessing the predictors of climate policy stringency using machine learning. Environmental Research Letters, Volume 20, Number 1., K., Schütze, F., Von Dulong, A., Engler, D., Gutsche, G., Hagen, A., Klein, C., McConnell, A., Schenker, O., Von Schickfus, M. T. & Yanovski, B. (2024). Can the Financial Sector Protect the Climate? The Potential of Sustainable Finance. In: Wendt, K., Villhauer, B. (eds) Sustainable Wealth Management . Sustainable Finance. Springer, Cham.
Hagen, A., & Schopf, M. (2024). Political influence on international climate agreements with border carbon adjustment. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 102979.
Von Dulong, A., Gard-Murray, A., Hagen, A., Jaakkola, N. and Sen, S. (2023). Stranded Assets: Research Gaps and Implications for Climate Policy.
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 2023 17:1, 161-169.
Presentation 2024
VfS Annual Conference, TU Berlin. Achim Hagen, „The Political Economy of Stranded Assets: Climate Policies, Investments and the Role of Elections”
9th Public Investors Conference, Singapore. Philip Fliegel, “How You Measure Transition Risk Matters: Comparing and Evaluating Climate Transition Risk Metrics”
Economics Seminar at Wageningen University. Achim Hagen, “The Political Economy of Stranded Assets: Climate Policies, Investments and the Role of Elections"
7th Annual Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment (GRASFI) Conference at Singapore Management University. Philip Fliegel, “How You Measure Transition Risk Matters: Comparing and Evaluating Climate Transition Risk Metrics”
29th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Leuven. Philip Fliegel, “How You Measure Transition Risk Matters: Comparing and Evaluating Climate Transition Risk Metrics”
Selected Conferences 2023:
28th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Cyprus. Achim Hagen: “The Political Economy of Stranded Assets”
9th International Symposium on Environment and Energy Finance Issues (ISEFI), Paris. Philip Fliegel: “The Dynamic Pricing of Climate Transition Risk on Global Financial Markets”
11th Workshop Banks and Financial Markets, Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH). Marc Bohnet: “The value of corporate lobbying for turbulent times : Evidence from the EU-ETS”
Economics of Sustainability Workshop, University of Oxford. Achim Hagen: “The political economy of fossil-fuel subsidy removal: Theory and empirical evidence from presidential democracies”
Financial Regulation - Going Green Workshop, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Achim Hagen: “Endogenous climate policy, systemic risk and asset stranding”
European Public Choice Society (EPCS) in Hannover. Achim Hagen: “The Political Economy of Stranded Assets”